Alne Preschool and Playgroup Scarecrow Trail and Competition
Alne preschool playgroup will be having their usual stall of good quality children’s toys, games, books and nursery equipment etc. so if you have any, they are now taking donations.
In addition to this they are hosting a Scarecrow trail. The theme will be "Royal" , in order not to get any duplicates, you will be asked to enter to take part, entry fee being £4.00 per scarecrow and send your proposed entry in. The scarecrows will be within the street fayre itself, so if you live outside the area and would still like to enter we have agreed that ‘extra’ scarecrows can be sited within the area, or up at the park/playing field, so everyone can enter.
There is a have a prize for the scarecrow voted the best by the street fayre visitors,
Scarecrows will need to be completed and up by Friday 17th June (have a fun end to the summer holidays showing us your creativity).
To enter - email [email protected] with your name, address and book you are depicting by the 10th June.